10.40 -12.30 Bendik and Freja -
Origina pay, we are playing rough and tumble on the meadow.
Tumle leg på engen
13.30- 15 Christian
"Whittle a stick"
"Snit en pind"
17 - 18.25 Christian
Røverhistorier fra Himmelbjerget
7 am Rise and shine…. in the garden
w/Helene Bøhler
In addition to a lot of inspiring workshops the Nordic Permaculture Festival will also make sure to nurture your body and soul!
Join in the nourishing meditative morning movement with TMW (Tai Chi Movements
for Wellbeing), whether you have any previous experience or not. Helene Bøhler will
offer an easeful start to the day with some simple invitations to feel into your body
and connect with inner and outer nature.
Helene is a teacher and teacher trainer with TMW (Tai Chi movements for Wellbeing) and has taught extensively in a variety of settings since 2003.
7 am in the garden
During this practical project we will finish the construction of a small dome, located at the heart of an established medicine wheel garden AND implement a water design which will allow for the optimum use of available water in the landscape. You will gain insight into the advantages of a dome-shaped greenhouse, and how to optimize water flow to the benefit of the surrounding medicinal plants in the wheel. Together we will contribute to a larger vision; that of an oasis, a natural apothecary and an ode to ancient plant wisdom. Come and leave your mark!
Bio;Bio: Matilde Jacobsen lives at Himmelbjerggården. She is a yoga teacher and has a deep passion for herbs and plants as medicine. She tends to the herbal medicine wheel on a daily basis and is taking a formal education as Phytotherapist® to support her knowledge about herbal medicine and further her healing practice. With a background in organic farming from Kalø, working with soil and land regeneration is also one of her main interests.
During the practical projects you can join Louise Holmes and Galina Sidorchuk working with swales, how to maintain them and how to secure the forest floor on the swales
Working with forest layers establishes the growth of the plants we want instead of the plants we dont want.
Bio: Louise Holmes took her PDC during spring 2024 and decided to change her life completely to a more sustainable living in a caravan working on a permaculture garden on Djursland
Bio: Galina Sidorchuk
Galina took her PDC in spring of 2023 and has been an active member of a biodynamic Fællesgrønt at FG Duemosegaard since spring of 2023.
During this practical project Dan will show you the difference between a clay pond and a plastic covered pond. When to use one or the other. You will also work with clay covering a dug out pond in the forest garden.
Naturelsker og uddannet I Permakultur, Regenerativt Jordbrug, Økologi, Biologi og Landskabs- og arkitekstur.
Dan har arbejdet som lære og designer siden 2008.
Dan har arbejdet I mange typer systemer Afrikas stenørken Marokko Fez og kystområder I Casablanca, Spaniens Bardalona, eller Ø-Systemer på Malta. Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, og kort I Malaysia.
Desuden har Dan arbejdet I de Danske, Svenske, og Tyske, Middelvarme til Kolde landsskaber.
Mød Rikke og Bernard (repræsentanter af LØB -Landsforening Økologisk Byggeri), som har bygget med ler i over 30 år og afholdt pudsekurser/foredrag flere steder. Hvis du er interesseret i økologisk byggeri og vil gerne få lidt øvelse med ler under negle, så har du her en fantastisk mulighed.
Denne praktiske projekt byder på:
-etindførende foredrag om energi og materialer i byggeri med udgangspunkt i deres eget hus, om fredagen fra kl 9 – 10.30 (på dansk!).
-1-dags workshop lerpuds om lørdagen fra kl 9.00 – 15.00. Sammen bliver der lavet lerpuds af det på stedet opgravede ler og vist hvordan det forvandles til puds på væggen.Alle deltagere kan prøve de enkelte skridt og få føling med materialet.
OBS;Der kan maks. være 20 interesserede med på lørdag. Man skal huske at medbringe arbejdstøj og sko.
Rikke og Bernard bor i deres idylliske landejendompå Falster ogelsker at bygge med ler, fordi det er et fantastisk materiale; let at bruge, ugiftigt, nemt at få fat i og sundt for beboerne. Rikke er vant til at bygge, har erfaring med letler og lerpuds samt tadelakt, hun er god til at finde løsninger for indretningen af huse og haver, ser muligheder frem for begrænsninger og har en forkærlighed for genbrug. Bernhard er arkitekt og kender meget til byggeteknik. Han interesserer sig for økologisk byggeri af alle arter - selv om det er leret der står hans hjerte nærmest. Sammen spreder de gerne viden om naturlige byggemetoder.
w/Skye Jin
Saturday 10.40-12.00
Here you can have all your questions regarding taking the Diploma in Applied Permaculture answered and get an overview of the diverse international diploma possibilities! Skye Jin will introduce two of her diploma designs, a life design and a social landbased design + golden top tips from her diploma journey. Doing the diploma is more than an education, it is a life-changing design experience and taking part in community learning is key. Skye will also introduce the visionary Group Diploma Adventure program with tutors Delvin Solkinson and Looby Macnamara + many more guest tutors, how it works and who it can be relevant for.See more: https://www.skyejin.com/https://applewoodcourses.com/uk_courses/group-diploma-adventure-online-2024/https://www.visionarypermaculture.com/
Skye Jin is a multimedia artist MFA and Diploma in Applied Permaculture designer and teacher. Since 2014 I have designed my own life and dedicated my work to co-create and nurture regenerative cultures. I am a specialist in SOCIAL PERMACULTURE and LIFE DESIGN. My practice is particularly informed by care, inclusion and diversity. I work with a SAFE SPACE and inclusion policy. I live with my family in Roskilde at Sønderlundens Family Permaculture Garden LAND center - demonstrating permaculture design on a family scale, sustainable;; economy and 50% selfsufficiency in a relatable and achievable way. Be inspired by my Design 4: Family Garden & Multispecies Safe Space or learn with me!
w/Martin Pedersen
Saturday 10.40-12.30
A convivial space for a semi-structured conversation – with room for interventions – featuring stories, ideas, and concepts from the past, present and future; from cave paintings to extra-terrestrial networks; from people’s knowledge to artificial intelligence: where do we come from and where are we going? What is neurological monoculture, or how do myth, magic, religion, philosophy and science differ and what do they share? What does it mean to be governed? What are agroecological tactics of state evasion? What’s it got to do with the anthropocene?
These and other questions concerning the art of not being governed, and your own voice, will shape the conversation.
The space is held by John Martin Pedersen who has been exploring the art of not being governed and engaged with different knowledge systems across time and space since the 1990s - and did a PDC in 2000. Educated as a transdisciplinary philosopher he works as freelance/part-time researcher; and last year began designing an integrated, experimental hobby farming system, based on forest garden ideas and inspired by Amazonian food systems on a ramshackle farm with 2.8 hectares near Kolding.
Saturday kl 10.40-12.30
Frøsamling i vores Permakulturhave
Vi vil fortælle om, hvordan vi samler vores egne frø fra både vilde planter, flerårige-oggamle grøntsagssorter. Frøsamling giver en stor uafhængighed, da man ikke skal udoginvestere i nye frøogman kan dyrke gamle grønsagssorter, som slet ikke kan købes i butikkerne, da de ikke opfylder industriens krav. Derudover har frøsamling også den fordel, at planterne år for år bliver bedre tilpasset til de lokale forholdogmere resistente overfor alt fra tørke til svampeangreb.
Den mad man kan købe afhænger i høj grad af, hvilke frø de store frø firmaer som Sygenta, Bayer, MonsantoogDuPont bestemmer at udbyde til verdens landbrugssektor. Frøsamling er et oprør mod en ensretningoget madproduktionssystem, som kun tjener industriens interesser. Herimod giver frøsamling et mere bæredygtigt alternativ til gavn for småavlereogen mere robust madproduktion.
På workshoppen kommer vi omkring både den teoretiskeogpraktiske del af frøsamling. Vi fortæller om planternes genetikogde gamle sorters historieogdeltagerne kan prøve kræfter med praktisk indsamlingogrensning af frø.
LotteBørresenogPerKring driver permakulturhaven Bakkely. De har mere end 30 års erfaring med bæredygtig levevisogøkologisk dyrkning –oger selvforsynende med frugtoggrøntogproducerer frøogplanter til videresalg.
De er passionerede formidlere i ”Den bæredygtige vej”, hvor de holder foredrag, designer haver, skriver artikler,oglaver havekurser for private, firmaerogforeninger. Herigennem formidler de viden om en mere bæredygtig tilværelse, permakultur, den vilde haveogen let tilgang til den økologiske regenerative klimavenlige dyrkning. De er aktive i flere grønne foreningerogLotteer næstforkvinde i Landsforeningen Praktisk Økologi.
Se mere på:
Den bæredygtige vej på Instagram:
Den bæredygtige vej på Facebook:
w/Alfred Decker
Saturday 10.40-12.30
Permaculture is a holistic design system that works onsocialas well astheecological structures. It is like a pair of glasses that allow you to see previously unseen possibilities: that rubble-filled urban lot as a food forest; your neighbourhood as a vibrant and resilient community; and yourself as part of a hugely complex web of life andthesocietal structures which formtheworld around you.
While Permaculture originated as a primarily ecological methodology, more recentlythedesign principles have been applied in urban,socialand group contexts to organise, communicate and cooperate more effectively, rethinking existingsocialand economic structures – we call thisSocialPermaculture.
SocialPermaculture is about connection – between people, economies, and governing structures – and creatingtheconditions for humans to flourish on a societal level. In this session we will look at how to work effectively in groupsand strategies for creating environments in which something more thanthesum oftheindividual parts can happen; how to avoidthetypical pitfalls for all groups (power, money, sexuality, etc.); organisational and decision-making structures; and fruitful communication.
W/Silje and Diego
Saturday 10.40-12.30
Permaculture La Escuelita
La Escuelita Comunitaria Fluir (Community Little School Fluir) is an alternative education space. Starting activities in 2020 when the quarantine didn't allow children to study and the desire of the Bosque Fluir to help, make us organize ourselves to give classes in the permaculture school.
You will learn about how to use permaculture principles in a social context building healthy and abundant communities. How to connect international volunteers with local kids and learn from their connection with plants.
About us: We are Diego and Silje, partners who develop Bosque Fluir and Escuelita Fluir.
Diego is a journalist and permaculture teacher and designer. He was part of the organization of the IPC 14 (International Permaculture Convergence in Argentina 2022) and made his teacher training there.
Silje has years of experience in yoga, mindfulness, gardening and music
Saturday 13.30- 15.00 Himmelsalen
W/Iryna Karzakova
Iryna Kazakova is a project coordinator of the NGO Permaculture in Ukraine and NGO GEN Ukraine, as well as the coordinator of the Green Road Project.
Iryna supports the Network of Permaculture Centers and organizes training, courses, conferences, and festivals in Ukraine.
w/Max Vittrup Jensen
Saturday 13.30-15.00
Permaculture and future constructionHolmgren's 12 permaculture principles vs EU regulations, building regulations and material development. In this workshop you will learn about the latest development of modern biogenic building materials before together we challenge regulations and commercialization from a PC perspective, and design the construction of the future. There will be ample opportunity for dialogue about materials/properties for your own construction.
Max lived permaculture as a mountain man in the USA for a few years in the 90s, before hearing Patricia Michael talk about PK in 1999 in Prague as he took part in starting an eco-village there. This led to the start-up of the association ecovillage initiative PermaLot in 1999, which became the owner of 10 hectares of commercially run agricultural land, where the first PDC was organized in 2001 with Patricia Pavlovska and Marcel Susko. Since then, Max and his partner Radka have themselves held PDC and countless PC intro courses, as well as hosted other courses, including by David Holmgren, (PermaLot published a Czech translation of his book in 2004), in connection with IPCC in Croatia in 2005.In 2004, Max and Radka bought an abandoned farm incl. 7 hectares more, which together with the first 10 were (attempted!) to be run according to PC design. As a result of the renovation, the association became the "PermaLot Center of Natural Building", got the first building permit for a residential straw bale house in CZ and has hosted approx. 5000 visitors, course participants, interns and volunteers...for better or for worse! In 2013 they moved to Norway, but spend the summers on the farm in the Czech Republic; now with only 1 hectare of land.
V/Bjarne Ganzel
13.30-15.00 Nordstjernen
Når større dele af samfundet rammes, tager redningsberedskabet sig først og fremmest af vores kritiske samfundsfunktioner, så f.eks. sygehuse og plejehjem
kan fungere. Imens skal du og din familie kunne klare jer selv i jeres bolig. Tænk også på naboen – og hvad der sker i dit område.
Hvis du kan undgå at belaste beredskabet, er du med til at sikre, at rednings beredskabets ressourcer bliver brugt, hvor der er mest brug for akut hjælp.
På kurset som varer 1½ time lærer I:
Alle får ‘Min tjekliste’ med hjem
w/Karen Ingrid
Saturday 13.30-15.00
Gym hall
Plants and Health Cooperative Society (PHCS)’s way from a centralized model with individual contracts to local collection and sale of the harvest. The decentralized model includes freedom of choice to sell to PHCS or other buyers. This model has been more successful. It demonstrates the importance of the individual farmer’s experience of ability to control the actions. The feeling of control increases the energy to consider other members’ needs.
But a bigger pool leads to the possibility to trade at other markets with better prices??
Which reflections does it lead to in our contexts? Presentation and group work.
Workshop facilitation by Karen Ingrid Schultz, sociologist, former teacher in social science, leader
of Women Day High School and development worker in Nepal and Uganda with focus on farmers’
groups as a tool to empowerment. Involved in several projects with Plants and Health Cooperative
Society since 2002. Member of the Uganda group in Permaculture Denmark.
w/Errki and Marja
Saturday 13.30-15.00
Erkki and Marja will talk and show photos abouttheir 10 year permaculture journey at Iso-orvokkiniitty,, including building a straw bale clay house and their off-grid energy system. In 2014 Iso-orvokkiniitty was a 12 hectare piece of land (6 ha field + 6 ha forest) in south-west Finland with no buildings or infrastructure. Now it includes a vegetablegarden with annuals and perennials, forest garden with over 400 trees and bushes planted, ponds, mushroom cultivation and caring for bees. We will include a lot of photographs and time for questions.
Erkki and Marja both have degrees in agronomy and a long history in organic food and farming. Erkki still makes his living in organic food business while Marja did a degree in Landscape Planning and works now in Ecological Garden Design. BothErkki and Marja are working on their Diploma in Applied Permaculture.
W/Fredrikke Oldin
Friday 13.30-15.00
Outside - if weather permits
You may be holding questions such as.. - What is mine to do? - What is my next elegant permacultural step? - Where do I start? - How may I live in the narrative of Business as Usual without despairing? - How do I stay motivated?
Only YOU know what you're pondering. Bring it to a Flow Game and gain insight and clarity.
We maytry to slide in more games in the mornings/evenings.You need to signup for a specific game as spaces are limited .on the pogramme at the entrance for developments!
Frederikke Oldin, Gentænk/Rethink. Frederikke has worked on inner transition through social imagination and new narratives of futures for years. Hosting the Flow Game, she proposes that we stay curious and not rush to solutions, allowing the questions to evolve and help us find the path forward.
w/Jesper Saxgren
Saturday 15.30-17.00
How can we transform our way of thinking and action patterns so that humanity’s impact on Earth shifts
from being predominantly destructive to being healing and regenerative? As the only species on Earth, we
have the opportunity to choose how we want to live. How can we use this ability to become co-creators
and support natures regenerative capacity and contribute to fostering life and restoring habitats of
wonderful beauty and diversity and align our way of life with the fundamental conditions for all life on
Earth? In this workshop, Jesper will explore how we can engage openly and attentively in nature’s
conversation and learn the language of the world we co-inhabit. Discover how to work with nature instead
of against it and design holistic ecological solutions based on nature’s fundamental principles.
Jesper Saxgren is Vice-Chair of the Developing Countries Committee of Organic Denmark, Ambassador for
EARTH University in Costa Rica, Co-founder of EarthWays, and Founding Trustee of The Regenerative
Viticulture Foundation. He has extensive experience as a project advisor and planner, educator, and
facilitator in agroecology, permaculture, ecological construction, regenerative land use planning, watershed
and ecosystem management, and climate change mitigation/adaptation. Jesper has worked with NGOs in
Denmark, Nepal, Ghana, Bolivia, and Bhutan.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from a true pioneer in the field of permaculture and ecological
w/Freja and Benedikt Heizmann
Saturday 15.30-17.00
Vi er Freja og Benedikt Heizmann. Vi har lavet permakulturhaver i 9 år og bor i vores Yurt på ottende år med vores tre børn.
I vores foredrag skildre vi vores erfaringer fra livet i naturen med et bredt spektrum; lige fra natur-fødsel over opbygning af muldjord og permakulturhaver til samfundsanskuelse som social organisme, samt vores gode erfaringer med at skabe et marked og genopleve landsbylivet. Alt sammen forklaret med historier fra vores liv, og med masser af billeder, som vi viser i et diashow.
Steen explains the ways of fire through combustion and smoke purifier.
Teori with practical experience.
w/Tycho and Karoline
Saturday 15.30-17.00
Gym Hall
Dive into the world of permaculture design with Tycho and Karoline (known from the movie Landbrugets Natur) and learn how to apply permaculture principles todesignand implement sustainable agricultural systems on regenerative food-producing farms! On this workshop you will learn about how Permaculture and proper landscape design can help transform our farming industry into biodiverse, integrated, low-input and financially feasible farms with high animal welfare and nutrient cycling, allowing people to enjoy the country side!
W. Olena Marchenko
Sunday. 4. aug Kl. 15.30-17.00
How to plan the beauty of the garden on a par with sustainability
Many people don't like permaculture or wild gardens. It looks primitive, it's just thickets or even impassable thickets.
We don't have really cool visuals that can get a customer interested in this type of garden
And often we have no knowledge of how our eye perceives what is beautiful and harmonious and what is not.
That's why I want to talk about beauty on a par with ecology in our gardens or the gardens of our clients.
I created the first garden for a customer in 2016. And as much as he was interested in organic berries and clean vegetables, and was aware of permaculture, his great desire was to have a beautiful and cozy garden for relaxation. I have done some projects for customers since that time and all of them were about the same: “I want a permaculture garden, but please make it beautiful!”
And as soon as my own driver in life is order and beauty I tend to embody it in my projects. Maybe I just attracted this kind of client because it matches me). In my presentations I want to share how we perceive beauty, and how it is beneficial to use it in a permaculture garden. I am sure that in order to spread permaculture as much as possible, we have to combine it with harmony and style.
Remember, because you intuitively feel what is beautiful and what is not. What is natural and harmonious, and what is unattractive to us when we look at green areas, gardens or parks. I will give you tips on how to combine permaculture with landscape solutions and beauty. You will not only listen to me but we will practice in making attractive plant combinations.
My name isOlenaMarchenko and here is some of my achievements:
w/Angela Halvoresen Bogo and Helene Bøhler
Saturday 15.30-17.00
w/Jurriaan and Maja
Saturday 17.15-19.00
In this workshop we talk about the idea of creating settlements of family homesteads to perfect the environment, which is presented in theRingingCedarsbook series by a Siberian recluse called Anastasia. The family homestead idea allocates a plot of at least one hectare to each family for the purpose of creating a dimension of love, in which there is a pond, a living fence and a forest. It has sparked a worldwide movement that is already transforming our planet into an earthly paradise: in less than three decades, hundreds of settlements have already been created, with many more to come. Have you started or are you dreaming about creating a space of love, or are you simply curious about this idea? Let’s meet!
17.15-19.00 Gammelgaard
W/Victoria Schou Haabegard
Er du interesseret i hvordan og hvor meget du kan få tilskud til dit skovlandbrug hos Landbrugsstyrelsen? Landbruget i Danmark er reguleret både på nationalt plan og af Europa Kommissionen. De fleste landbrugere i Danmark modtager i dag tusindvis af støttekroner, som bidrager til bedriftens økonomi. Mange danske permakulturister er også interesseret i at dyrke landbrug, så hvordan kan man gøre det økonomisk bæredygtigt?
Til dette oplæg vil nogle af de mange tilskudsordninger hos Landbrugsstyrelsen blive gennemgået, så du kan danne dig overblik over hvordan du kan designe dit perma-landbrug, så du også kan modtage nogle støttekroner. Der vil være fokus på de ordninger der relaterer sig til skovlandbrug, biodiversitet, braklægning og økologi.
NB. Victoria repræsenterer ikke Landbrugsstyrelsen, men kommer på permakulturfestivalen uafhængigt for at dele viden, der kan være brugbar i en permakultur sammenhæng
Biografi: Victoria Schou Haabegaard
Jeg har været aktiv i permakulturbevægelsen i 10 år, siden jeg første gang var frivillig på en permakultur gård i Sydfrankrig. I 2020 blev jeg BSc i landskabsarkitektur med speciale i design af et 30 hektar stort regenerativt jordbrug ved siden af Køge Fælles Jord. Jeg er uddannet MSc i Agroøkologi, hvor jeg har opbygget en kompleks forståelse af landbrug- og fødevaresystemer. Siden april 2024 har jeg været ansat i Landbrugsstyrelsen, hvor jeg opbygger viden indenfor det landbrugspolitiske. Mit ønske for landbruget er at flere mennesker får jord under neglene og bedre mad på bordet. Samtidig ønsker jeg at dyr, træer, planter og jord får bedre vilkår og at luften og vandet bliver renere.
Saturday 17.15-19.00
In my talk I will take you along abeekeeperspath of transformation, developing connectedness with the bees and the budding emergence of a free-the-bees culture. I will talk about how we can support honeybees as a wild species through Darwinianbeekeepingand supporting free-living bees. I will share how I used Looby’s Design Web to ask what the bees want and my reflections on permaculture ethics in my “Caring for Bees” design.
3.Erkki’s career has been in theorganicmovement and industry. Around 2013 he and his wife Marja Nuora became interested in permaculture and in 2014 they started Iso-orvokkiniitty – a 12 hectare homesteading permaculture site with forest garden, mushroom cultivation, bees etc. Iso-orvokkiniitty is a LAND center. Honeybees were a part of the story from the start. Erkki’sbee-path has taken him from standardorganicbeekeepingtonaturalbeekeepingin topbar hives and Warré hives to building log hives and a dream of rewilding bees locally in Karjalohja. Erkki holdsbeekeepingcourses (Finnish and English) and is working on his permaculture diploma and he is the chair of the Finnish Permaculture Association. Erkki is working on his Diploma in Applied Permaculture.
Saturday kl 17.15-19
Transition Towns is a movement that started in 2006. It is about communities
stepping up to address the big global challenges by starting local. By coming
together, they are able to create solutions together. They seek to nurture a
caring culture, one focused on connection with self, others and nature. They are
reclaiming the economy, sparking entrepreneurship, reimagining work, reskilling
themselves and weaving webs of connection and support.
This 11⁄2 hour talk will give you answers on:
• Why is it relevant today?
• The international movement
• How is it related to permaculture
• Examples on transition towns and transition streets
• How do you start a transition initiative or transition street?
Bjarne Gantzel is a certified transition trainer and head of Transition Denmark
(the Danish hub of Transition Network). Since 2011 he has been passionate
about getting people together to work for a green transition in community.
Don’t forget about the social dimension he says 😊
Performance w/Angela Halvorsen Bogo
Saturday 17.15-19.00
The stage
Angela Halvorsen Bogo is an experienced Transformational Play Facilitator
For over 35 years, she has dedicated herself to one unwavering vision: a world where people are free to play, connect, and contribute their unique gifts to a vibrant, thriving world. With the unique skills of a full time, professional career as a storyteller, fool, clown, troubadour, facilitator, coach and writer. Angela began with improvised theatre in 1972. She learnt hospitality in Italy. Went to Circus School in England. Studied clown, fool and singing in Scotland and England. Became apprenticed to Duncan Williamson, Master Storyteller of the Scottish Travelling People. Travelled the world for thirty years performing and teaching.
Angela is a specialist clown with dementia patients. Works in organizations, health care, education, culture, spiritual and personal development. She is a coach for creatives and an Advanced practitioner of Social Presencing Theatre.
Angela Halvorsen Bogo wrote A Winter’s Tale in 2023, an epic in 26 video storytelling episodes.
Fredag og lørdag 17.15-18.15
Outside/ Gym Hall
digest, reflect & play
Sink in to your body being og land in an “now and here” space and time. Move the impressionisme of the day og take time to digest and reflect, in a bodily sense. Set your dayinto cirkulation og play.
The movement is guided improvisation and participatory in its creation. Meaning everybody creates movements. This is an inter generational and non disciplinary movement practise. Everybody and all bodies are wellcome.
We explore different movement qualities, stories, song and dance, music and games.
Leonie’s music vibe is like jumping onto aflying carpetand going on amystical ride.
Behind the decks, she has a unique sense for sensual, yet energizing mixes with a tribal spark thatcaress your soulandmake the crowd wanna dance.
Leonie has lived in 9 countries by now and loves to integrate the best tunes from all her journeys into her music.
Thus, her sets aremulti-facetted and–colorful, weaving beats together fromDeep House, Afro House, Latin House,
Hip Hop, Ethno House and Melodic Techno.
And above all,inviting us to celebrate unity.
Get ready to jump onto her flying carpet, currently in Copenhagen, but ready to come to your party.
Here are a few impressions to see as well as to listen to her newest mixes onSoundCloud.