Friday 2nd of August 2024 Programme


Børns workshop foregår fredag

10.40-12.30 Childrens games - Vi leger gamle lege som ståtrold, alle mine kyllinger kom hjem m. V/Benedikt og Freja

13.30 "Visualiser din egen familiegård" v/Maja

17-18.25 Røverhistorier fra Himmebjerget v/Christia

7 am TMW: Tai Chi Movements for Wellbeing

Rise and shine…. V/Helene Bøhler

In addition to a lot of inspiring workshops the Nordic Permaculture Festival will also

make sure to nurture your body and soul!

Join in the nourishing meditative morning movement with TMW (Tai Chi Movements

for Wellbeing), whether you have any previous experience or not. Helene Bøhler will

offer an easeful start to the day with some simple invitations to feel into your body

and connect with inner and outer nature.

Helene is a teacher and teacher trainer with TMW (Tai Chi movements for Wellbeing) and has taught extensively in a variety of settings since 2003.

7 am - A warm welcome- Morning movement with Benedikt 

Praktiske projekter

Fredag kl. 9-10.30

Medecin wheel - dome - water design

During this practical project we will finish the construction of a small dome, located at the heart of an established medicine wheel garden AND implement a water design which will allow for the optimum use of available water in the landscape. You will gain insight into the advantages of a dome-shaped greenhouse, and how to optimize water flow to the benefit of the surrounding medicinal plants in the wheel. Together we will contribute to a larger vision; that of an oasis, a natural apothecary and an ode to ancient plant wisdom. Come and leave your mark!

Bio;Bio: Matilde Jacobsen lives at Himmelbjerggården. She is a yoga teacher and has a deep passion for herbs and plants as medicine. She tends to the herbal medicine wheel on a daily basis and is taking a formal education as Phytotherapist® to support her knowledge about herbal medicine and further her healing practice. With a background in organic farming from Kalø, working with soil and land regeneration is also one of her main interests.

Praktiske projekter

Fredag kl. 9-10.30

Securing Swales and planting forest garden

During the practical projects you can join Louise Holmes and Galina Sidorchuk working with swales, how to maintain them and how to secure the forest floor on the swales

Working with forest layers establishes the growth of the plants we want instead of the plants we dont want.

Bio: Louise Holmes took her PDC during spring 2024 and decided to change her life completely to a more sustainable living in a caravan working on a permaculture garden on Djursland

Bio: Galina Sidorchuk

Galina took her PDC in spring of 2023 and has been an active member of a biodynamic Fællesgrønt at FG Duemosegaard since spring of 2023.

Praktiske projekter

Fredag kl. 9-10.30

Creating a clay pond

During this practical project Dan will show you the difference between a clay pond and a plastic covered pond. When to use one or the other. You will also work with clay covering a dug out pond in the forest garden.


Naturelsker og uddannet I Permakultur, Regenerativt Jordbrug, Økologi, Biologi og Landskabs- og arkitekstur.

Dan har arbejdet som lære og designer siden 2008.  

Dan har arbejdet I mange typer systemer Afrikas stenørken Marokko Fez og kystområder I Casablanca, Spaniens Bardalona, eller Ø-Systemer på Malta. Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, og kort I Malaysia.

Desuden har Dan arbejdet I de Danske, Svenske, og Tyske, Middelvarme til Kolde landsskaber.  


Mød Rikke og Bernard (repræsentanter af LØB - Landsforening Økologisk Byggeri), som har bygget med ler i over 30 år og afholdt pudsekurser/foredrag flere steder. Hvis du er interesseret i økologisk byggeri og vil gerne få lidt øvelse med ler under negle, så har du her en fantastisk mulighed. 

Denne praktiske projekt byder på:


-         et indførende foredrag om energi og materialer i byggeri med udgangspunkt i deres eget hus, om fredagen fra kl 9 – 10.30 (på dansk!).

-        1-dags workshop lerpuds om lørdagen fra kl 9.00 – 15.00.  Sammen bliver der lavet lerpuds af det på stedet opgravede ler og vist hvordan det forvandles til puds på væggen. Alle deltagere kan prøve de enkelte skridt og få føling med materialet.


OBS; Der kan maks. være 20 interesserede med på lørdag. Man skal huske at medbringe arbejdstøj og sko.



Rikke og Bernard bor i deres idylliske landejendom på Falster og elsker at bygge med ler, fordi det er et fantastisk materiale; let at bruge, ugiftigt, nemt at få fat i og sundt for beboerne. Rikke er vant til at bygge, har erfaring med letler og lerpuds samt tadelakt, hun er god til at finde løsninger for indretningen af huse og haver, ser muligheder frem for begrænsninger og har en forkærlighed for genbrug. Bernhard er arkitekt og kender meget til byggeteknik. Han interesserer sig for økologisk byggeri af alle arter - selv om det er leret der står hans hjerte nærmest. Sammen spreder de gerne viden om naturlige byggemetoder.

The Permaculture Way: Danish-Ukrainian Project

Friday 10.40 - 12.30 Himmelsalen

Workshop description:Camilla Nielsen-Englyst and Iryna Kazakova will talk about Danish-Ukrainian collaboration during wartime, project activities, challenges in implementation, and the results.

Camilla Nielsen-Englyst is a coordinator of the Permaculture Way Project, project coordinator of Landsforeningen for Økosamfund, consultant, trainer, fundraiser, and international project coordinator.

The Permaculture Way: Danish-Ukrainian Project

Friday 10.40 - 12.30 Himmelsalen

Workshop description:Camilla Nielsen-Englyst and Iryna Kazakova will talk about Danish-Ukrainian collaboration during wartime, project activities, challenges in implementation, and the results.

Iryna Kazakova is a project coordinator of the NGO Permaculture in Ukraine and NGO GEN Ukraine, as well as the coordinator of the Green Road Project. Iryna supports the Network of Permaculture Centers and organizes training, courses, conferences, and festivals in Ukraine.

Design Your Personal Economy with Permaculture

W/ Lou Langdon

Kl 10.40-12.30 Nordstjernen

In this workshop you will be guided through your own mini design process, to get you thinking about your personal economy from a permaculture perspective. So be ready to think about your life goals, to explore the topic of Right Livelihood, and to use permaculture principles to create a mini-design of your economy. By the end of the workshop, you will have made an earnest start on your design process that you can finish at home. You will also have learnt about social permaculture, by trying the methods for yourself. (Please note: We will not be focusing on the obvious problems with the global economic system, but instead take a positive look at our personal pathway, in the system that, whether we like it or not, exists all around us.)

About the Facilitator  

Lou Langdon is the vineyard and winery manager on the 2.3-hectare Hideaway Vineyard on the island of Fejø. Her organic wine can be found on the wine list at some of the country's best restaurants, including at Restaurant Moment and Domestic, both of which have achieved the Michelin Green Star. Lou has worked with social permaculture since she was 18 years old, has a history in the board of Permaculture Denmark, and is one of our teachers with the Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design. You can study permaculture with her at Avnø Højskole, or through the highly popular Online PDC course (Danish language). Visit her on Fejø if you would like to see the vineyard, or be a welcome guest in her homemade Tiny House.  

Permaculture and Social Change

/Alfred Decker


Gym hall

As Bill Mollison said, “Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.” It’s clear that Permaculture is a “Solutionary” approach instead of “Revolutionary”, and that it is not a protest movement…it’s about building the world in which we want to live, within the shell of the old world, which is collapsing around us. However, Permaculture has often been connected to movements for social change, and can benefit from strategic and critical thinking. Alfred Decker will present some of his experiences in activism and view them through the lens of the Permaculture ethics; propose some lessons regarding social change that are useful to Permaculturalists; and then open the session to questions and debate, including about the future of Permaculture.

Mother nature circle 




We know how important community is in the years of motherhood. Mothers need to hear each other’s stories to realise that we are all going through the same challenges and that none of us are as bad a mother as we might imagine and that others are not perfect either. We can create accepting, loving, caring, nurturing group of mothers that can support us by sharing our journey as mothers. Circles where you don’t need an expert to give you advice because your local women have enough capacity to carefully listen and wisdom to give you valuable insight. This is a sharing circle for max 8 participants!

3. Marja Nuora is a permaculturist from Finland and trained Mother Nature -circles facilitator. She has three own and all together six children with her husband and now also five grandchildren. With circles she wants to give other women a possibility to share their journeys as mothers, get empowered and find a nurturing community of women.

Permaculture and animism

10.40- 12.30 Solen

Martin Pedersen

Permaculture and animism, apparently, share a number of aspects and insights about the world and the complex web of life that sustains the human habitat. So what is animism? How does it relate to magic, religion, philosophy and science? In this workshop we chat about these things and attempt coming closer to an understanding of the various ways in which human beings historically and today make meaning, build communities and maintain collectivity. On this journey, the idea of shape shifting comes into light, as we contemplate a mindset, which values interconnected knowledge, ethical guidance, and holistic science, aiming to heal the rupture caused by extractive technologies and reconnect with the Earth in a meaningful and more-than-sustainable way.

The conversation is facilitated by John Martin Pedersen who has been exploring the art of not being governed and engaged with different knowledge systems (magic, religion, philosophy, science) across time and space since the 1990s - and did a PDC in 2000. Educated as a transdisciplinary philosopher in The School of Independent Studies he works as freelance/part-time researcher; and last year began designing an integrated, experimental hobby farming system, based on forest garden ideas and inspired by Amazonian food systems on a ramshackle farm with 2.8 hectares near Kolding.

Storytelling - deepening our connection to nature

v/ Angela Halvorsen Bogo

Friday 13.30-15.00


Angela Halvorsen Bogo is an experienced Transformational Play Facilitator
For over 35 years, she has dedicated herself to one unwavering vision: a world where people are free to play, connect, and contribute their unique gifts to a vibrant, thriving world. With the unique skills of a full time, professional career as a storyteller, fool, clown, troubadour, facilitator, coach and writer. Angela began with improvised theatre in 1972. She learnt hospitality in Italy. Went to Circus School in England. Studied clown, fool and singing in Scotland and England. Became apprenticed to Duncan Williamson, Master Storyteller of the Scottish Travelling People. Travelled the world for thirty years performing and teaching.
Angela is a specialist clown with dementia patients. Works in organizations, health care, education, culture, spiritual and personal development. She is a coach for creatives and an Advanced practitioner of Social Presencing Theatre.

Angela Halvorsen Bogo wrote A Winter’s Tale in 2023, an epic in 26 video storytelling episodes

Permakultur som pædagogisk rammesætter i uddannelsesverdenen

Stjernerummet kl 13.30

v/ Christian Lykou

Hvad kan permakulturen bidrage med i forhold til unges trivsel? Hvordan kan permakulturen være med til at klæde unge mennesker på til at handle på klima- og biodiversitetsproblematikker? Kan permakulturen gøre, at vores uddannelsessystem bliver relevant og vedkommende for unge mennesker? Mange spørgsmål! MEN med permakulturen som rammesætter i uddannelsessystemet kan vi skabe undervisning, der er relevant i forhold til
at drage omsorg for mennesker og omsorg for Jorden. Vi skal påvirke vores uddannelsessystem til at være at holistisk og favnende! I Pædagogisk Praktisk Permakultur har vi erfaringer med at anvende permakultur som didaktisk redskab i undervisningsverdenen. Et redskab, der giver mening for både børn, pædagoger/lærer og ledelse.

I 2018 og tog jeg PDC på Friland. En mind blowing oplevelse, der samlede alle mine tanker om et forandret syn på naturen. Specielt min tilgang til, hvordan vi benytter og samarbejder med naturen blev rodfæstet. Derudover
gav kurset mig redskaber og idéer til at kunne handle lokalt på uoverskuelige globale problemstillinger. Under PDC kurset levede jeg i et parallelunivers i de to uger det varede! Jeg fik øje på en tydelig kobling af permakulturens etikker og principper, der kunne inspirere og udvikle vores uddannelsessystem! Det gav mening at overføre tankerne til den min professionelle verden som lærer. Tankerne blev til bogen ”Pædagogisk Praktisk Permakultur – permakultur og skovhaver i skoleverdenen”, skrevet sammen med min kære Carmen Dorethe Holmstrup. I mit virke på Gørding
skole implementerer jeg forskellige aspekter af permakulturen i praksis. Det virker! Jeg tog derudover Teachers Training Course på Koster i Sverige og er på nuværende tidspunkt i gang med diplomuddannelse. Til hverdag arbejder jeg som lærer. Sideløbende holder jeg foredrag og workshops.

From Permaculture Garden to Agroforestry at Myhrris

13.30-15-00 Nordstjernen

Tycho and Karoline

During 12 years, Tycho and Karoline have transformed degraded farm land into a self-sufficent Permaculture Garden and a low-impact, self-built organic home, as well as building their own sustainable business by up-scaling Forest Garden principles to set a farm scale example, the Myrrhis Agroforestry Farm. This session will explore the practical application of permaculturedesignmethods and tools through the development of the couples home, right livelihood, and agroforestry project from zone 00 to zone 5, illustrated with personal experiences and successes.

Advanced social Permaculture & Cultural Emergence introduction - CANCELLED

v/Skye Jin

13.30-15  Gym Hall

Skye Jin will introduce Looby Macnamara´s Design Web, her own new design framework ZENIFY and a number of principles from Cultural Emergence, that can support us in designing for regenerative cultures, our livelihood, care for ourselves and others. Social permaculture design is crucial for momentum and collaboration in land based designs and a great starting point for a robust, authentic design for changemaking that comes from the inside and out and into the world.You will have a chance to buy Looby Macnamara´s books signed, and the new Cultural Emergence Card deck with a full set of principles, frameworks + 7 ways to think differently.See more:

Skye Jin Bio:Skye Jin is a multimedia artist MFA and Diploma in Applied Permaculture designer and teacher. Since 2014 I have designed my own life and dedicated my work to co-create and nurture regenerative cultures. I am a specialist in SOCIAL PERMACULTURE and LIFE DESIGN. My practice is particularly informed by care, inclusion and diversity. I work with a SAFE SPACE and inclusion policy. I live with my family in Roskilde at Sønderlundens Family Permaculture Garden LAND center - demonstrating permaculture design on a family scale, sustainable;; economy and 50% selfsufficiency in a relatable and achievable way. Be inspired by my Design 4: Family Garden & Multispecies Safe Space or learn with me!;

The festival handbook design

Helene Bøhler

Fredag d. 2. aug  kl 13.30-15.00


Would you like to see an example of a social permaculture design in practice?
In this lecture/workshop Helene Bøhler will present her diploma design for the Nordic permaculture Festival Handbook. This design has been part of her ongoing diploma journey and will therefore illustrate one of many ways to work on a social permaculture design.
This design is intended to be a tool for ongoing effective solutions for future organizing teams of the Nordic permaculture Festival
Participants will be invited to share reflections on how this design can be implemented and developed in the community of Nordic festival organizers, and permaculture Associations.

Helene joined the board of the Norwegian Permaculture Association in 2013 (and has been chair of the board for two periods since then); she initiated the Nordic Permaculture Festival (2013 and 2023,and founded the Norwegian LAND-network.She has a PDC, EDE and TPT (and PPU).In 2014, Helene took the Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC), Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) in Great Britain, and she has teacher training in Permaculture (TPT) from 2021, and PPU (Practical Pedagogical Education in Art Design and Architecture) from 2021.She is currently on the Group Diploma Adventure with Looby Macnamara and Delvin Solkinson as her mentors.


Fredag d. 4. aug 2023 kl 13.30-15.00


Freja og Benedikt Heizmann

Her fortæller vi om vores erfaringer med skabelsen, fødslen (de er alle født i vores have i eget ansvar, uden sygehus eller jordemor) og videre ledsagelse af vores to sønner og vores datter. Et vigtigt bidrag til et stærkt lykkeligt samfund.

Foredraget varer ca. 1 time.

Snack and Circle cafe,- meet the daughter groups of PKDK

w/Pernille Cauchi

Friday 15.00-15.30

Se infoboard for meeting point for different circles

Regenerativ jordbrug og permakultur

Fredag d. 2. aug 2024 kl 15.30-17.00


Ved Arendse Gulløv

Regenerative landbrugsmetoder har i de senere år fået stigende opmærksomhed. Metoderne hyldes for aktivt at kunne binde CO2 fra atmosfæren, modvirke tørke, erosion og oversvømmelser og skabe både renere vand, sundere fødevarer og mere liv i og over jorden. Men hvad er regenerativt landbrug egentligt og hvad er potentialet? Hvordan binder mikroberne CO2 i jorden og kan vi virkelig gengrønne ørkenerne? Og hvordan er det nu lige at sammenhængen er mellem regenerative landbrugsmetoder og permakultur? 

Alt dette og meget mere svarer Arendse Marie Gulløv på, når hun tager dig med på en rejse om liv, økosystemer og naturens regenererende potentiale. Arendse er foredragsholder for foreningen Regenerativt Jordbrug og underviser til dagligt i permakultur som lærer på Vestjyllands Højskole. Arendse har ti års erfaring med regenerative landbrugsmetoder, og er uddannet økologisk landmand og miljøplanlægger. Hun har siddet i Permakultur Danmarks bestyrelse og været aktivist og arbejdet som landbrugspolitisk rådgiver for Greenpeace og i tillæg har opstartet og drevet to permakulturelle gårdskollektiver.

Your future as a wine farmer?

Fredag d. 4. aug 2023 kl 15.30-17.00 - limited spaces, send a msg to if you want to sign up, or sign up at the festival, first come ...

Lou Langdon

Could you imagine yourself as a full-time wine grower one day? Or perhaps you’d like to add a small wine production to your existing farm?Lou Langdon, winemaker at Hideaway (one of Denmark’s oldest commercial vineyards) will show you what a growing season as a wine farmer entails, so you can find out if viticulture is something for you. Lou will offer you her view of the opportunities and challenges of integrating animals, arable crops, and other income streams in a vineyard setting. We will of course taste a vintage from Hideaway together, and you will have the opportunity to buy a bottle to take home with you or enjoy here at the festival.

Nordic Permaculture Academy

V/Cathrine Dolleris

15.30-17.00 Nordstjernen

The Nordic Permaculture Academy aims to support permaculture diploma students within a thriving learning community to achieve their diploma in applied permaculture design. With 70+ students, several gatherings per year, teacher trainings and online gatherings, the academy has been growing fast. Students come from more than 6 differentcountries. Our international projects include development of educational materials and reach out to permaculture mentors in Europe. Learn more about the academy and meet the founders and some of the students at this workshop.

Cathrine Dolleris(Denmark), Mentor and co-founder at the Nordic Permaculture Academy. Permaculture Diplomate and Assessment Tutor (in the British diploma system), since 2014. PDC educator and facilitator of permaculture Teachers Trainings. International coordinator for education and fundraising. M.Sc. in Geography. Owner of og LAND center “Kattekærhus”at Orø.

Signage workshop for LAND Centres and Permaculture Gardens

w/Pernille Cauchi

Friday 15.30-17.00


In this workshop you can design a physical map of your center/garden so that visitors can learn about permaculture, even when you are not available to guide them. What elements do you want to show? How can you visualise the zones? What principles can people see in action? Where is the best place to be social? How can you find out more? These are some of the questions we will try to draw answers to on maps measuring 70cm x100cm. Come and explore with us.

Teaching Permaculture to Children

w/Diego and Silje

Friday 15.30-17.00



Bosque Fluir is a permacultureschool in the PeruvianAmazon that receives volunteers and students from all around the world. Since its creation in 2018, we have developed a volunteering system that helps us to build up mad houses, compost toilets, natural water sources and a course of 10 theoretical classes.

Our way to preserve indigenous wisdom is keeping and promoting their practices on eco building, agroforestry, and social organization.


Workshop description:

Presentation of a permacultureschool in the Amazon, it's visions and ways to use permaculture principles

How have our ancestors been practicingpermaculturefor thousands of years before? Learning to live of and with the nature. How do we implement the permaculture etichs and principles in a tropical climate?


About us: We are Diego and Silje, partners who develop Bosque Fluir and Escuelita Fluir. 

Diego is a journalist and permaculture teacher and designer. He was part of the organization of the IPC 14 (International Permaculture Convergence in Argentina 2022) and made his teacher training there. 

Silje has years of experience in yoga, mindfulness, gardening and music. 


Flow game

W/Fredrikke Oldin

Friday 15.30-17.30

Outside - if weather permits

You may be holding questions such as..  - What is mine to do?   - What is my next elegant permacultural step? - Where do I start?  - How may I live in the narrative of Business as Usual without despairing? - How do I stay motivated?

Only YOU know what you're pondering. Bring it to a Flow Game and gain insight and clarity.
We maytry to slide in more games in the mornings/evenings.You need to signup for a specific game as spaces are limited .on the pogramme at the entrance for developments!

Frederikke Oldin, Gentænk/Rethink. Frederikke has worked on inner transition through social imagination and new narratives of futures for years. Hosting the Flow Game, she proposes that we stay curious and not rush to solutions, allowing the questions to evolve and help us find the path forward.

Experiences with Farmers Family Learning Groups (FFLG) in Uganda. 

v/ Karen Ingrid

Fredag d. 4. aug 2023 kl 17.15-19.00 

Stjernerummet i Hovedbygningen

Most farmers’ families in Northern Uganda are under pressure to feed the family. The family

inherited land is given to the sons. For women to be able to decide over money they either need a

good cooperation with their husband or buy or rent their own land. Conflicts about how to dispose

over the income is common. The aim of FFLG is to help the families to plan well together. The

membership in a group is a tool to empowerment.

The legal position for women is different here. But can group membership help families under

economic pressure when searching for new ways of living?

Presentation and group work.

Workshop facilitation by Karen Ingrid Schultz, sociologist, former teacher in social science, leader

of Women Day High School and development worker in Nepal and Uganda with focus on farmers’

groups as a tool to empowerment. Involved in several projects with Plants and Health Cooperative

Society since 2002. Member of the Uganda group in Permaculture Denmark.


Jaya Ramchandani

Kattekærhus LAND center

W/Cathrine Dolleris

Friday 17.15-19.00


Kattekærhus on Orø is a LAND center on 1000 m2 land in a rural village. The forest garden, kitchen garden and chickens supplies around 50% of the food for a couple of people. The old Danish farm house is retrofitted using organic materials and care has been taken to reduce waste and harvest many small yields. The focus on using locally sourced resources for energy in the house allows for a low consumption lifestyle and a reduced economy with low environmental impact. Learn about a climate-friendly and less stress lifestyle withpermaculture in this workshop.

Fischer foodforest and foodforest game

W/Claes Fischer

Friday 18.15-19.00


In December 2008, I purchased a 1,410 m² garden plot just outside Potsdam that had been neglected for many years and had also served as a rubbish dump. With the vision of a wild, romanticforest gardenin mind, I got to work: disposing of the old waste, stopping the wild growth, clearing paths, creating flowerbeds and planting trees! - My particular concern was the cultivationof a variety of(also foreign) wild fruit trees according to permaculture principles...

And so a smallarboretum for useful treeshas been created, which currentlyhouses185 different tree species.

Waldgärtner(="Forest Gardener") is a tactical card-laying game in which 2 to 7 players take on the role of fruit growers. In a friendly competition, they pursue the goal of transforming their wasteland into a productive fruit forest of trees and shrubs of culinary value. In doing so, they must make clever use of their possessions and always consider how big their trees and shrubs will grow, when they will flower, when their fruit will be ripe and which ones need a partner for a successful harvest.
This set of cards contains 214 different types of woody plants that bear edible fruit and can be cultivated in Central Europe. - Packed with brilliant illustrations and useful data for gardening practice!
Waldgärtneris based on permaculture practice and can be used both for garden planning and for teaching gardening and natural history skills.
More details here

Trækulsmagi og Kompost-te: Giv din Have et Boost med Naturlige Midler

v/Magnus fra Klimaplanter

Fredag kl 17.15- 19.00

Foran Hovedbygningen

Har du lyst til at lære at lave dit eget trækul og kompostte?

I denne workshop dykker vi ned i den fascinerende verden af naturlige forbedringsmidler og opdager,hvordan du kan bruge dem til at give din have et boost af næringsstoffer og liv.

Lær hvordan du:

  • Fremstiller hjemmelavet trækul af træ- en bæredygtig og effektiv måde at tilføre kulstof til din jord.
  • Udnytter trækullets egenskaber- til at forbedre jordens struktur,evne til at holde på vand og binde kulstof i jorden
  • Brygger din egen kompostte- fyldt med næringsstoffer og mikroorganismer,der stimulerer væksten og styrke immunforsvaret. af dine planter.
  • Fremmer et sundt og aktivt jordliv- der giver dit økosystem den optimale vækstbetingelser.

Denne workshop er perfekt til alle haveejere,uanset om du er nybegynder eller erfaren.Du får praktisk viden og inspiration til at bruge trækul og kompostte i din egen have.

Kom og vær med!Du vil blive overrasket over,hvor nemt og givende det er at forbedre din haves sundhed med naturlige materialer.

Magnus er ejer af klimaplanter som producere og sælger planter til skovhaver og permakultur, egen produktion foregår uden brug spaghum, kunstgødning og gift og arbejder med levende jord, for at sikre at man får sunde planter med masser af aktivt jordliv som gør dem robust og har co2 bindende mikroorganismer med i vækstmediet. i kan også møde ham på vores markedsdag om lørdagen

Food Systems - Can we solve the food systems crises with permaculture - talk and debate


Fredag d. 4. aug 2023 kl 17.15-19.00

Gym Hall

Since WW2 farming has increasingly been based on fossil fuels, pesticides, breeding (including GMO) and mechanisation. Now the globalfoodsystemis a part of the metacrises we are in. We are offered solutions based on high-tech and non-soil basedfoodproduction. Can permaculture offer a better way forward ? I will offer some thoughts about the topics and leave plenty of time for discussion.

Erkkiis an agronomist by education (M.Sc.) and his career has been in the organic movement and industry. Starting from research and advisory work in the 1980’s, running a small organic bakery as an entrepreneur in the first half of 1990’s and then moving through marketing projects into trade and developing organicfoodexport for Finnishfoodmanufacturers. All thewhile he has had a keen and critical interest in how thefoodsystemfunctions.

Around 2013 he and his wife Marja Nuora became interested in permaculture and in 2014 they started Iso-orvokkiniitty – a 12 hectare experimental homesteading permaculture site with forest garden, mushroom cultivation, bees etc. Iso-orvokkiniitty is a LAND center.Erkkiis working on his Diploma in Applied Permaculture.

Into the body


Fredag og lørdag 17.15-18.15

Outside if weather permots or in gym hall


digest, reflect & play

Sink in to your body being og land in an “now and here” space and time. Move the impressionisme of the day og take time to digest and reflect, in a bodily sense. Set your dayinto cirkulation og play.

The movement is guided improvisation and participatory in its creation. Meaning everybody creates movements. This is an inter generational and non disciplinary movement practise. Everybody and all bodies are wellcome.

We explore different movement qualities, stories, song and dance, music and games.


W/Rikke Scwegler

Fredag d. 4. aug 2023 kl 17.15-19.00

Outside close to Stage

Experience a Unique Drum Workshop at the Permaculture Festival!

Have you ever felt the power and energy of a bass drum in daylight? At our upcoming permaculture festival, you’ll have a unique opportunity to participate in a drum workshop with my inherited bass drum. This isn’t just an ordinary drumming session—it’s an in-depth experience where you can feel the vibrations and let the tones guide you on an inner journey.

What can you expect?

• I will sit and drum, maybe sing a few tones—not beautiful singing, but sounds that open up your own experience.
• Participants will lie around the drum and me, feeling the vibrations from the drum and tones. Each person will have their own unique experience of the session.
• It is a form of meditation/listening to drum and sound, where I adapt the session to the group’s energy and needs.

Music : Virelai

Friday 20.30 -

The Stage

On Friday evening at 8:30 PM, VIRELAI will perform, and you can look forward to it!

"Listening to Virelai is like walking across the rainbow Bifrost back to the time of flames, dances, and songs. It is a mythical journey into our roots, bringing to life all that modern times have trampled down. It is about grasping the outstretched hands of the past and feeling the dreams and hopes of those who came before us. Virelai conjures up history and tears down barriers, as their music makes listeners blend together in joy and movement, while the melodies let the soul wander into the fire. The rhythms pound, the stories captivate verse after verse, and the flutes call forth the lost. Virelai is wildness, tenderness, loving hearts, and the life force's steps from the time Denmark was born, and the tales of eternal longing and sorrow began..."
Written by author Susanne Clod Pedersen

Mia Guldhammer: vocals, percussion
Søren Hammerlund: hurdy gurdy, mandola
Morten Musicus: shawm, whistles, hammered dulcimer, bagpipe, percussion, strings
Jacob Lund: percussion, Davul, darbuka, frame drums, tambourine