Sunday August 4th 2024 Festival Programme


Søndag - 10.40-12.30 Sanketur m/Maja

TMW: Tai Chi Movements for Wellbeing

7 am Rise and shine…. in the garden

w/Helene Bøhler

In addition to a lot of inspiring workshops the Nordic Permaculture Festival will also make sure to nurture your body and soul!

Join in the nourishing meditative morning movement with TMW (Tai Chi Movements

for Wellbeing), whether you have any previous experience or not. Helene Bøhler will

offer an easeful start to the day with some simple invitations to feel into your body

and connect with inner and outer nature.

Helene is a teacher and teacher trainer with TMW (Tai Chi movements for Wellbeing) and has taught extensively in a variety of settings since 2003.

A gardeners dream - Movement with Benedikt

7 am in the garden

Praktiske projekter

Fredag kl. 9-10.30

Medecin wheel - dome - water design

During this practical project we will finish the construction of a small dome, located at the heart of an established medicine wheel garden AND implement a water design which will allow for the optimum use of available water in the landscape. You will gain insight into the advantages of a dome-shaped greenhouse, and how to optimize water flow to the benefit of the surrounding medicinal plants in the wheel. Together we will contribute to a larger vision; that of an oasis, a natural apothecary and an ode to ancient plant wisdom. Come and leave your mark!

Bio;Bio: Matilde Jacobsen lives at Himmelbjerggården. She is a yoga teacher and has a deep passion for herbs and plants as medicine. She tends to the herbal medicine wheel on a daily basis and is taking a formal education as Phytotherapist® to support her knowledge about herbal medicine and further her healing practice. With a background in organic farming from Kalø, working with soil and land regeneration is also one of her main interests.

Praktiske projekter

Fredag kl. 9-10.30

Securing Swales and planting forest garden

During the practical projects you can join Louise Holmes and Galina Sidorchuk working with swales, how to maintain them and how to secure the forest floor on the swales

Working with forest layers establishes the growth of the plants we want instead of the plants we dont want.

Bio: Louise Holmes took her PDC during spring 2024 and decided to change her life completely to a more sustainable living in a caravan working on a permaculture garden on Djursland

Bio: Galina Sidorchuk

Galina took her PDC in spring of 2023 and has been an active member of a biodynamic Fællesgrønt at FG Duemosegaard since spring of 2023.

Praktiske projekter

Fredag kl. 9-10.30

Creating a clay pond

During this practical project Dan will show you the difference between a clay pond and a plastic covered pond. When to use one or the other. You will also work with clay covering a dug out pond in the forest garden.


Naturelsker og uddannet I Permakultur, Regenerativt Jordbrug, Økologi, Biologi og Landskabs- og arkitekstur.

Dan har arbejdet som lære og designer siden 2008.  

Dan har arbejdet I mange typer systemer Afrikas stenørken Marokko Fez og kystområder I Casablanca, Spaniens Bardalona, eller Ø-Systemer på Malta. Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, og kort I Malaysia.

Desuden har Dan arbejdet I de Danske, Svenske, og Tyske, Middelvarme til Kolde landsskaber.  

Regenerative farming on 30 Ha

W/Victoria Schou Haabegaard

Sunday 10.40-12.30


Regenerativt landbrug på 30 hektar

Hvordan kan man designe et regenerativt landbrug på 30 hektar? På Køge Fælles Jord er permakultur-ildsjæle i gang med at etablere en tinyhus landsby med en fælles skovhave. Ambitionerne er høje og ønsket om at opstarte et 30 hektar stort regenerativt jordbrug på naboens mark er på tegnebrættet. Vær med når Victoria fortæller og viser det 30 hektar store design der er blevet lavet til området og få nogle redskaber til hvordan man kan designe permakultur landbrugssystemer og prøv det af i et trygt rum.

From abandoned farm to pod-based eco-retreats

W. Max Vittrup

Sunday. 4. aug  Kl. 10.30-12.00


After 20 years of ownership we are now in the process of developing the property to include a "Pod" based AirBnB/hostel, with shared farm facilities, a friendly host, local food and activities. Help design the development; maybe you want to become a co-owner of a rental tiny house?

Max lived permaculture as a mountain man in the USA for a few years in the 90s, before hearing Patricia Michael talk about PK in 1999 in Prague as he took part in starting an eco-village there. This led to the start-up of the association ecovillage initiative PermaLot in 1999, which became the owner of 10 hectares of commercially run agricultural land, where the first PDC was organized in 2001 with Patricia Pavlovska and Marcel Susko. Since then, Max and his partner Radka have themselves held PDC and countless PC intro courses, as well as hosted other courses, including by David Holmgren, (PermaLot published a Czech translation of his book in 2004), in connection with IPCC in Croatia in 2005.In 2004, Max and Radka bought an abandoned farm incl. 7 hectares more, which together with the first 10 were (attempted!) to be run according to PC design. As a result of the renovation, the association became the "PermaLot Center of Natural Building", got the first building permit for a residential straw bale house in CZ and has hosted approx. 5000 visitors, course participants, interns and volunteers...for better or for worse! In 2013 they moved to Norway, but spend the summers on the farm in the Czech Republic; now with only 1 hectare of land.

Council of all Beings - a biocratic Dialogue Method

W. Jesper Saxgren

Sunday. 4. aug Kl. 9-10.30


This ceremonial practice, developed by Joanna Macy and John Seed, draws inspiration from Native
American cultures. When crucial decisions needed to be made, representatives were appointed to speak on
behalf of all affected beings, such as trees, animals or rivers. In this workshop, we will use the method to
cultivate our ability to empathize and identify with 'the other beings' and place ourselves in the position of
another more-than-human being. The goal is to create a deeper connection with nature, express diverse
perspectives from a non-anthropocentric position, and explore ecological interconnectedness and
consciousness. Join us to learn how to attune to the language of nature and foster a healing and
empathetic relationship with the more-than-human world.

esper Saxgren is Vice-Chair of the Developing Countries Committee of Organic Denmark, Ambassador for
EARTH University in Costa Rica, Co-founder of EarthWays, and Founding Trustee of The Regenerative
Viticulture Foundation. He has extensive experience as a project advisor and planner, educator, and
facilitator in agroecology, permaculture, ecological construction, regenerative land use planning, watershed
and ecosystem management, and climate change mitigation/adaptation. Jesper has worked with NGOs in
Denmark, Nepal, Ghana, Bolivia, and Bhutan.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from a true pioneer in the field of permaculture and ecological

Teaching for Transformation

Sunday Kl. 10.30-12.00


Permaculture was synthesised by two academics, Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. Unsurprisingly, the Permaculture Design Course was initially developed as two weeks of theoretical lectures. However, we know now from research and experience that students have multiple intelligences - they have different ways of learning - and lectures in the style of Formal Education often don’t serve their needs.

Recognising that Permaculture teaching could be improved, Rosemary Morrow designed and developed a Permaculture teacher training based on best practices from the field of Non-Formal Education. This session will examine different aspects of permaculture education and how our theory and practice can create real change in students and spread Permaculture more widely.

Tour around the water design at Himmelbjerggården

Sunday at 10-30-12

Meet at the stage

Dorte Fløjgaard has worked with Water design at Himmelbjerggården the last 2 years. Take the tour around the premisses and hear of some good water design functions and methods

Final circle

Sunday at 13

By the stage